Common Inquiries


When are applications due?

Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM US Eastern Daylight time on April 24, 2023.

Can I mail a printed form of my application?

No.  All applications must be submitted online.  If you have questions about using the online form email

Who reviews the applications?

All applicants are reviewed by members of the Fund board of directors and other accredited members of the U.N. Press Corps.

When does the 2023 program take place?

The 2023 Fellowship will run concurrently with the opening months of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA).  The 78th UNGA will open on September 9th with general debates starting on September 19th.  Fellowship recipients will arrive in New York approximately 10 days prior to the UNGA in order to obtain UN Press passes, acclimate to the U.N. Secretariat and the city, and complete other administrative tasks.

How many journalists are selected each year?
Typically, 4 to 6 journalists are chosen annually to participate in the fellowship, providing a focused and enriching experience for each participant.
When will applicants be notified of their status?
Applicants will be informed once the review process is complete. Finalists may be contacted for further discussions, and selected fellows will be announced on our website with their profiles.

Experience and References

Should I include non-journalism work experience?

Yes, you can include other work experience if you believe it has enhanced your abilities as a journalist..

What type of personal reference letters should be included?

Personal reference letters can be from current or former co-workers, teachers, civic leaders, i.e., individuals who can attest to your personal and professional attributes.

How do I obtain an I-1 Journalist Visa?

In order apply for the I-1 Visa you must have a valid current passport and request the Visa from the nearest United States Consulate or Embassy.  Visas should extend until the 31 December 2023 in the event of travel delays.  Air travel cannot be obtained until a selected journalist has an I-1 Visa and provides a copy of it to the Fund.  In most cases, the journalist visa process begins with an online application which results in a personal interview with a staff member of the U.S. Embassy or Consulate. The Fund will provide selected journalists with an Award Letter which will facilitate the Visa application process.

In what form should letters of recommendation be submitted?

Letters of recommendation must be uploaded to the online application where indicated and should be in English.  If not in English, an English translation must be included.  Letters of recommendation should be in PDF, Word, or JPEG formats.

As a freelance journalist, I don’t have one employer. Who should write my letters of endorsement?

Submit letters of endorsement from the supervisor at 2-3 publications for which you work which should indicate that they will use the reports you file from the United Nations. (See the Application Form for further instruction.)


Who arranges and pays for my travel itinerary and costs to/from New York?

The Fund will arrange and pay for all travel expenses for the Fellowship Recipients. Travel arrangements cannot be made until you have obtained a valid journalist I-1 Visa.

Does the Fellowship include a monetary component?

The Fund assumes that you will continue to be paid as an employee of your media organization. However, to allow for increased personal expenses, a modest daily stipend will be paid to each journalist.

Am I allowed to bring a friend or family member with me?

No.  The Fellowship is for the selected journalists only.  Family members and/or friends are not allowed to accompany or stay with the journalists.  Periodic visitors are allowed.

What accommodations will I have while in New York?

The Fund will provide Fellowship recipients with furnished studio apartments near the United Nations.

What happens if I become ill during the program?

The Fund will carry basic health/medical insurance for each journalist in the event of illness or accident.  Dental insurance is not included.

What are the conditions of the Fellowship?

Journalists are required to adhere to the following terms. Non-compliance with these terms could result in termination from the program.

  •  File regular reports with their media organizations on deliberations, interviews and conferences which are of interest to their home country audiences.
  • Prepare for and participate in all briefings, interviews and scheduled events.
  • Stay through the term of the fellowship.
  • Maintain regular contact with designated Fund board members or mentors during the program.