Deadline for Submission: March 30, 2025

In preparing your application, be sure to

1) Review the Eligibility and Documentation Requirements found at here
2) Complete all required fields (marked by *)
3) Observe all instructions regarding maximum word counts and document upload requirements (PDF, Word, JPEG or MP3 formats).
4) You can periodically SAVE DRAFT while completing your Application.
5) When your application is completed to your satisfaction, use the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to make your final submission to the Fund.

Please note, once you have submitted your application, no further changes will be possible.

Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM US Eastern Daylight Time on March 30, 2025. Applications that are in progress but have not been submitted by this deadline will not be considered.

Applications from Ghana, Namibia, and Kashmir will not be accepted in 2025.

For eligibility or other program-related questions, email Sonia – sonianheilborn@hotmail.com.
